Ian Woolverton

2017 Rohingya Crisis

In August and September 2017, I reported on the brutal persecution of the Rohingya. The accounts of violence and despair left an indelible mark, as families were torn apart and entire communities forced to flee for their lives.

2011 japan earthquake

In March 2011, a powerful earthquake, rocked cities and towns and unleashed a devastating tsunami, wiping out entire communities. The Fukushima nuclear crisis added to the fear and devastation.

2010 pakistan floods

The 2010 Pakistan floods were a catastrophic disaster, submerging nearly a fifth of the country under water and displacing millions of people. Torrential monsoon rains swelled rivers, destroying homes, farmlands, and infrastructure.

2005 pakistan earthquake

Balakot, a small town in northern Pakistan, was devastated by the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, one of the most destructive in the region’s history.

2004 tsunami (Aceh)

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history, triggered by a massive undersea earthquake off the coast of Sumatra. The devastation was unimaginable, with over 230,000 dead in countries around the Indian Ocean.

mumbai slum dwellers

Mumbai is a city of contrasts. Here India’s financial capital coexists with one of the world’s largest slums, densely packed and home to millions, underscoring the city’s significant economic disparities and the resilience of its residents.

2006 world cup, germany

The 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany was an electrifying tournament, culminating in Italy’s victory over France in a dramatic and controversial final.

faces of india

Vibrant India is a nation of stark and colourful contrasts, where opulent wealth and booming tech industries rub shoulders with deep poverty.

rudely interrupted

From New York to London, Australian band Rudely Interrupted have wowed audiences and earned acclaim from critics worldwide. Their unique sound and inspiring story challenge perceptions of disability, proving that music knows no boundaries.